MSD 1:1 Laptop Program Handbook
MISSION STATEMENT: Middleton School District offers a secure place where students gain knowledge, develop wisdom, and value life-long learning to participate as discerning citizens in our complex and dynamic society.
The MSD - 1:1 Laptop Program gives students the tools to have instant access to the world of information and also to become producers rather than just consumers of information that is available through the use of technology. The goal of the program is to provide each student attending Middleton School District daily access to a laptop during the school year.
The Middleton School District is taking an initiative to transform teaching and learning within the school. The program promotes 21st century skills:
● critical thinking
● collaboration
● communication
● creativity
Table of Contents
Items issued to Student
Students will:
Students will NOT:
Parent Expectations
General Care
Personal Health and Safety
Laptop Sleeves
Keeping the Laptop Away from Liquids
Carrying the Laptop
Cleaning the Laptop
Charging the Laptop
Shutting Down the Laptop
Closing the Laptop
Downloading Programs & Personalizing the Computer
Laptop Problems
Laptop Damages
Loss or Theft of Laptop
Student Use in Classroom
Student Access to Internet at School
Bringing Laptop to School
Charging Laptop at School
Keep Your Laptop in a Safe Place at School
Student Access to Internet at Home
Student Access and Monitoring at Home
The following is a list of rules and guidelines that govern the use of the MSD issued student laptop. This
document makes specific reference to the MSD laptops; however, items outlined in the MSD #134
Technology Acceptable Use Policy ( Policy 3094 ) applies as well.
MSD #134 Technology Acceptable Use Policy (3094)
Technology can be integrated to facilitate increased collaboration, communication, creation, and critical
thinking. The District provides students with technology services. These services include, but are not
limited to, the use of technology devices, school accounts, and the Internet. To view the MSD #134
Technology Acceptable Use Policy (3094), go to :
Items issued to Student
Middleton School District (MSD #134) retains sole right of possession of the laptop and grants permission
to the student to use the laptop according to the guidelines set forth in this document. Moreover, Middleton
administrative staff retains the right to collect and/or inspect the computer at any time; and to alter, add or
delete installed software or hardware. Efforts are made to keep all laptops configurations the same.
Students will be issued a laptop, laptop charger, laptop sleeve, and laptop cinch pack (for some schools).
MSD #134 will retain records of the serial numbers and asset tags of provided equipment.
Students will:
● Bring his/her laptop to school fully charged daily.
● Return the devices to the IT Help Desk or however designated by your students school at the end of
the school year, and at the school’s discretion for system updates preparation for next school year.
● Transport the device in the school provided laptop sleeve.
● Students should ensure that repairs, loss, theft and/or damages are reported to the school within 24
hours of the incident to HappyFox or your students school Administration.
Students will NOT:
● Bring in their own laptops and/or devices from home to use at school.
● Attempt to change any MSD #134 network or server configurations or the configuration of the laptop.
● Attempt to record and/or take pictures of staff or students without their explicit consent or knowledge,
this includes:
○ webcams
○ microphones
○ cameras
○ cell phones
○ or any other digital device
● Use school issued email accounts for personal use.
● Electronically chat during class unless relative to academic related expectations.
Parent Expectations
● This is an exciting learning opportunity for your student(s), participate with them as they learn to use
this instructional tool to enhance their educational experience.
● While the school system will provide Internet content filtering for the security of your student, there
is no substitute for parental supervision when using the laptop. Parents are ultimately responsible for
monitoring student use of the laptop and Internet at home.
● Parents should ensure that repairs, loss, theft and/or damages are reported to the school within 24
hours of the incident.
● Parents should review the MSD #134 Technology Acceptable Use Policy ( Policy 3094 ) and this
● Parents are responsible for ensuring the return of the laptop, laptop charger and the laptop sleeve at
the end of the current school year or before the student withdraws from school.
● Parents are responsible for ensuring the return of the laptop if laptop privileges are revoked.
Any student who violates the rules and expectations relative to this Handbook and technology use will be
subject to disciplinary action. Consequences may vary depending on the violation or degree of computer
misuse. Students who violate the rules may also have their laptops restored to the original settings. Serious
violations will result in the students’ use of technology restricted and/or revoked. Students and parents
should reference their school’s student handbook for all disciplinary steps.
You are expected to follow all the specific guidelines listed in this document and take any additional
common sense precautions to protect your assigned laptop.
General Care
● Do not attempt to remove or change the physical structure of the laptop, including the keys, screen
cover or plastic casing.
● Do not remove or interfere with the serial number, asset tag or any identification placed on the laptop
(including student stickers). If stickers are defaced or removed the student will be assessed a fine.
● Keep the equipment clean.
● Do not do anything to the laptop that will permanently alter it in any way.
● DO NOT charge your laptop while it is in the sleeve. Ensure the laptop has air circulation while
● Shutdown and close the lid of the laptop when it is not in use.
● Do not walk from one location to another with an open laptop. This is applicable at school and at
Personal Health and Safety
● Avoid the laptop resting directly on your lap for a long period of time.
● Avoid lengthy use involving repetitive tasks (such as typing and use of the track-pad). Take frequent
breaks as well as alter your physical position (typing while standing, sitting, leaning, etc.) to minimize
Laptop Sleeves
● Each student will be required to use a school-issued sleeve to carry their laptop during the school day
and outside of school. It is important to keep the sleeve clean, and take time to remove any items like
paper clips that can scratch the exterior of your laptop.
● Do not carry your laptop in the sleeve while it is powered on.
● Do not use your sleeve to store any items besides your laptop and charger.
Keep Your Laptop Away from All Liquids
● Exposure to liquids will severely damage a laptop and will result in large repair costs. Water, pop,
juice, power drinks, coffee, etc. will all ruin your laptop completely. Keep your friends' food and
liquid away from your laptop. Open cans of pop and cups of coffee (even those with lids) are
especially dangerous. Do not put a bottle of water/pop/etc. in your backpack with your laptop, even if
it is sealed.
Carrying the Laptop
● Always store and carry your laptop in your school-sleeve.
● If you choose to put your sleeve in your backpack, do not overstuff your pack – extreme pressure on
the laptop can cause permanent damage to the screen and other components. No books should be
placed on your laptop.
● Do not grab and squeeze the laptop, as this can damage the screen and other components.
● Remove all USB items (e.g. flash drives, mouse receivers, SD cards, etc.) from the ports prior to
Cleaning the Laptop
● Use a soft, dry, lint-free cloth in most cases when cleaning the laptop. If necessary, the cloth may be
dampened with water slightly to assist in the cleaning areas that do not appear to be coming clean
with the dry cloth. Laptop screens show fingerprints and smudges easily, but be sure to follow proper
cleaning procedures to keep your screen looking new. Never use cleaning products with acetone or
ammonia. Screens are expensive to replace, so it is imperative that they are cleaned appropriately (as
listed above).
● Read and follow any maintenance alerts from the school technology personnel or the administration
Charging of Laptops
● Charge your laptop every school night. Make sure your laptop is adequately charged everyday before
you come to school.
● It is recommended that students not use the prongs on the charger to wrap the cord, as over time, this
has proven to damage the cord.
Shutting Down the Laptop
● Shutdown the laptop when it won't be used for an extended duration.
● NEVER shutdown the laptop by holding down the power button. This can ultimately corrupt the
laptop and a re-image could be needed.
Downloading Programs & Personalizing the Laptop
● Only the Middleton School District Technology Department can download programs to the student
● Students will not stream/download music/movies/videos or pictures while using MSD #134 provided
Internet unless approved by the MSD Technology Department.
● Students may not use USB items (e.g. flash drives, SD cards, etc.) to alter the operating system that is
loaded on the laptop.
● Stickers and other markings on the outside of the laptop will not be allowed . Each laptop is easily
identified by a specific numbering system (MSD Asset Tag, serial number, and student name) that is
placed on the laptop by MSD #134.
Laptop Problems
● It is a student’s responsibility to maintain a 100% working laptop at all times by utilizing the IT Help
MSD - 1:1 Laptop Program Handbook is subject to change without notice - Page 5 of 7
● All laptop repairs can only be done by MSD #134, any laptop worked on by an outside source can be
determined intentionally broken or negligent and parents/students can be held liable for the entire cost
of the laptop.
● If the student’s laptop is not working properly the student needs to first talk to the teacher in the class
to determine if some minor troubleshooting will take care of the problem. If the problem still exists,
take the laptop to the IT Help Desk (for MHS and MMS) or to your students teacher where it can be
examined and determine next steps. If the laptop cannot be fixed immediately, the student may be
issued a hot spare laptop to use on a temporary basis (Administration approval only).
● If you are away from the school and need assistance, submit a ticket through HappyFox. This will
generate a “help ticket” and can be accessed 24/7. Even though response will not be immediate,
district personnel capable of finding a solution will be notified and the problem taken care of in as
timely a manner as possible.
● When in doubt, go to the IT Help Desk for (MHS and MMS students) for major issues, or ask a
teacher or Administration for help.
Laptop Damages
● If a laptop is damaged, the school must be notified within 24 hours of the incident. The
student/student’s family may be responsible for damages beyond normal wear and tear of the laptop,
charger, and/or sleeve. MSD #134 reserves the right to charge the student and parent the full cost for
repair or replacement when damage occurs.
● Students will be required to take laptops to the IT Help Desk or schools office if they break or fail to
work properly. All reports must be documented through HappyFox, by the user of the laptop within
24 hours of the incident.
● A student who does not have a laptop due to a computer being damaged accidentally or intentionally
may be issued a laptop for day use from the lending pool at the IT Help Desk, depending upon
availability and administrator’s discretion.
● If the laptop charger or sleeve is damaged or lost, the student is responsible for the replacement cost.
Loss or Theft of Laptops
● Laptops that are lost or stolen need to be reported to the IT Help Desk within 24 hours of the incident.
● If a laptop is lost or stolen the student will be financially responsible for its replacement.
● If a laptop is stolen or vandalized the parent shall file a police report within 24 hours of the incident.
Student Use in Classrooms
● Students will be required to take their laptop to each class each day, unless instructed differently by
the teacher and/or administration for that specific day.
● When the laptop is not being used in class it is to be closed, at a 45 degree angle, or positioned at the
discretion of the teacher.
Student Access to Internet at School
● At school, students will have access to the Internet through the MSD #134 network. When not at
school students can access the Internet if they have Internet access available to them in their home or
other locations. The school’s filter system will also be in place when students access the Internet
outside of the school. Therefore, sites that are blocked at school will also be blocked in other
locations where students access the Internet.
Bringing the Laptop to School
● The laptop must be kept in the MSD laptop sleeve at all times when it is not being used.
Charging of Laptops at School
● It is the student’s responsibility to have their laptops charged each day when they come to school.
During a normal school day a typical computer fully charged (through a normal electrical outlet) with
the battery that the laptop has in it can be used the entire day for classes with no additional charging
required. Students must be responsible and charge their laptops before coming to school.
Keep Your Laptop in a Safe Place at School
● The sleeve, with the laptop and other equipment, must be stored in a safe place (a locker, when
locked, is considered a safe place). Don't leave the laptop on the floor where it might be stepped on,
or within reach of small children or pets. Don't leave it in a car or anywhere it might be exposed to
extreme temperatures.
● Laptops left in unattended classrooms or other areas are considered “unattended” and will be
confiscated by faculty or staff as a protection against theft. Unattended and unlocked equipment, if
stolen – including at school – will be the student’s responsibility.
● If on an athletic team, never leave laptops in school vehicles, in the gym, in a locker room, on the
playing field, or in other areas where it could be damaged or stolen.
● Secure your laptop in a locked compartment that isn’t excessively hot or cold.
Student Access to Internet at Home
● Students are allowed 24/7 laptop access, and parents should monitor their student’s time and activities
on the laptop. Parents should have students utilize their laptops in a central location and ask to see
Students Access & Monitoring at Home
● Ultimately the laptop is the property of the school, and the school has the right to determine what is
appropriate and search the computer if necessary at any time.
● The District’s filter allows the District to block websites which are inappropriate for students whether
they are accessing the web via the District’s network or if they are connected to the Internet at other
● Students who access inappropriate sites or are accessing sites that are not related to the class they are
in will face disciplinary action from the teacher and/or the administration.
● If sites are accessed by accident (which does occur at times) it is recommended that the student
immediately move to another site, and report the incident to an adult.
● When not in school, it is the parents’ responsibility to observe, monitor and communicate with
students when they are utilizing their laptop.
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DEVELOPED: 07/14/2014
REVISED: 07/15/2020